Friday, October 24, 2008

I thought I would write this here rather than on my blog since my blog has been rather serious lately and this is totally frivilous.

When I was in high school I was pretty enough to sleep until 15 minutes before school started, roll out of bed, brush my teeth and barely make it to school on time. not so anymore

But, yesterday I did.After a restless, sleepless night I rolled out of bed brushed my teeth and hair and off to the hospital I went. I knew I looked like crap but at that moment just didn't care.

Sitting in the hallway, waiting on the nurses to finish bathing Mother I watched the many women who were buzzing around me. The ones who had a distintive hair style (not just hair in a pony tail or lame/limp unkempt hair), make-up, and clothes that fit their bodies were the ones that looked like they (for lack of better words)were important. .. maybe they looked professional, or at least they were important to themselves.
The other women, the ones who looked like I did, looked like trash. Sorry, but we do have a lot of white-trailer trash around here and that is what they looked like.

So, needless to say.. before I rolled off to the hospital this morning I washed and blowed dried my hair and took 5 minutes to put on a little make-up.

I felt better about myself for it.


Kristen said...

I find that even though I'm at home usually now, I do the same thing and it makes me feel a lot better. (But I'm kind of a girly girl, too.) I may not be skinny and some days I have bad body image days (yesterday was one), but by gum, I look like I made an effort and compared to most women in this town, I'm doing well. :)

Feel free to be frivilous over here. :)

E. Michelle said...

i agree. I recently marveled at the effort teenaged girls put into their looks. i then remembered that i did the same thing at their age, and don't feel that my current routine does me justice.

Sandra said...

Isn't it funny how our perception of a person can change based on their hair and makeup?
I always feel better about myself when I take time to put on a little makeup and fix my hair. I think it has more to do with spending time on me than the actual results although I do look like I'm 17 when I don't put on makeup.

Jeanne said...

Ditto from Jeanne.