Thursday, December 27, 2007

I know this site has evolved into something far more beautiful than our original intentions of being a weight loss tracking blog, and so I feel a little strange about posting my goals here anymore, but this is as good a place as any. Not to mention, I think my mom rarely visits here, if ever, so I can post what I'm about to post without to much thought of her reading it and being so excited she calls all the family. (If you are reading this mom, please don't call everyone!) For the past several months David and I have been seriously talking about having a baby. I don't want to blame it on the biological clock, but we aren't getting any younger! It's nothing we are thinking about doing with in the next week or anything, but I would like to be pregnant sometime in the next year. Preferably within a few months after we move. Yes, I know the move will be hectic and crazy, but we will have so much family support that I don't feel the slightest bit scared about having a baby several months after the move. In fact, this is the first time I've been willing to even consider having a baby. That being said, I am in no physical condition to get pregnant. I know my body could handle it, but I need to lose a significant amount of weight in order to have the healthy pregnancy I want. So, I will begin again this year. I will eat more fruits and vegetables and less chocolate and sweets. I will walk with or without Erin and David. I will focus on my goal of being healthy and fit so that we can build the family we dream of. I have a friend who is encouraging me. She's lost a significant amount of weight and kept it off for over a year. I know it will take hard work and dedication. I know that I can't expect to change my body, but I can expect to make my body the best it can be. I'm not looking to be a size 1 or even a 4. I'd be happy knowing my body is at the weight it functions best at. That being said, my goal is to lose 10% of my body weight. Once I've done that I'll re-evaluate and see where I need to be. I'll also be making a doctors appointment to see what the good ol doctor thinks about all of this. Wish me luck!
(I don't plan on making this a big deal on this blog, but I will keep you updated.)


aola said...

Well, we already know that you will make a great Mom and as usual you are doing everything the "right" way.

We will be cheering you on.

Kristen said...

Very exciting, Sandra!

I hope this is okay to say and not a damper on your parade:

Sometimes doctors can go overboard on the whole 'you need to lose x weight before having a baby,' but I've got to say, we've all seen super skinny women get pregnant and very, very heavy ones. I think if you can build healthy habits, you are doing your baby a huge favor. Don't let your doctor convince you that you must be a size y to conceive, okay?

Much love.

Kristen said...

I should add:

It seems that sometimes weight can play a part in conception problems, but if you're not having them, I wouldn't be terribly concerned about being "perfect" before having a baby. Does that make sense? I'm sorry...I'm trying to be helpful and alieve some of your stress (if you have it) and encourage you to develop healthy habits, but I'm not sure it's coming across.

Whatever you do, I support you and am so happy for you!

R said...

EEk! EEk!
Okay, so if you think about everything you eat going to the baby (future baby) it helps. Or it helps me. Even now, while breastfeeding, I'll think does Sam need this?
Eek! Eek! Eek!

Sandra said...

Thank you A! It's a very big decision for us, it's only taken us 7 years to get to the point we felt ready.

Kristen, thank you so much for the advice. It came across perfectly clear. I think doctors have a warped idea of healthy weight anyway so I won't rely to heavily on any goals they set for me. Mostly I want to lose the weight because I know I'll gain weight in pregnancy. I don't want that weight added to the extra weight I have now and create a situation where I feel completely out of control of my weight. I also want to just live healthfully in general.

Kristen said...

So glad that came across okay.

(I have a friend who is a size 10/12 and taller than me--I'm 5'7"--have her doctor tell her she needed to lose weight to conceive. She eats really healthy, mostly organic, and exercises about five times a week. She also was anorexic about five years ago. Doctors can really piss me off sometimes!)

E. Michelle said...

Yay! i am excited for you sandy.

Sandra said...

Becky, that is great advice!

Thank you Erica. I'm pretty exited thinking about it! Of course I'm scared to death as well. I'm going to be monitoring Kristen closely to see if this is really something I can do. :) No pressure Kristen!

Kristen said...

Hey, you're already a mom of a can do ANYTHING!