Saturday, June 21, 2008

I have a question. Now, don't laugh at me because I'm serious. I would really like to know this, I have asked other people and they just think I'm "trying" to be funny but seriously I wonder about things like this...

It's in regards to lesbian couples:

If two women chose to be involved in a lesbian relationship, chose to have a same sex partner, two women, no man because women is what they prefer...

Why does one of them almost always dress and look like a man???

Really, I'm not being judgemental because I can definitely see advantages to a female partner.... I just want to know.


Sandra said...

I've asked my sister this a million times! I think that in her case it has to do with gender identification. She would rather be a man plain and simple. So, she has a relationship with a woman, and dresses, acts, and talks like a man. I don't know if this is the case for all lesbians who chose to dress/act like a man.

It's the same with gay men in a way. One always seems to be more on the feminine side.

Interesting question.

aola said...

Sandy - that is kind of what I thought the answer would be. Thanks.

Kristen said...

I'm not sure, but I have seen/known couples where it seems that both couples tend to dress and act in a more "masculine" way...

E. Michelle said...

i think it is psychological...that is all i am going to say about it here.=)

Jeanne said...

I've wondered that myself. I have seen lesbian couples that are both feminine, too. My friend who is in a lesbian relationship now after years of being straight says she's in it for the companionship. She says its not about the sex. I don't seems that a good girlfriend would fill the need. She's feminine and her partner is feminine, but not girly. I just don't really get the psychology of it. I knew a man once who said he was a lesbian in a man's body. He was attracted to women but wanted to be a woman. It was weird. I don't look down on gay people, but I don't get it either. Sorry if that sounds bad. Really.