Sunday, January 10, 2010

I really miss all of you. Since we don't blog anymore I don't feel like I know what is going on in any of your lives and I miss knowing how you are and what you are doing and how the babies are changing and growing. I miss Cara's wit and wisdom and Jeanne's grace for each of us. I miss Erica's mystery ... I guess all things are or at least most things are just for a season.


E. Michelle said...

no, i miss you too! i have been thinking about how little we all post. I want it back.

E. Michelle said...

no, i miss you too! i have been thinking about how little we all post. I want it back.

Sandra said...

I'll second that. I'm trying to post more. It's just that lately I can't really say all of what I want to. I'm sure you understand.

Kristen said...

I feel the same way as Sandra, but I miss you guys, too.

Jeanne said...

Let's get this going again. Like an online small group, you know. [oops, I just sounded like a churchy, huh?]