Friday, June 15, 2007

The last few days I have come here to WP, I sit and look at Sandy's smiling picture and wish I had something profoundly wise to say. The book I'm reading - Women Who Run With Wolves - has my head whirling. It has enabled me to see, to pinpoint, several areas in my own life where I have needed direction, some areas that I have managed to actually overcome in, and others that still need work.

Recently, Kristen wrote on her blog about feeling "called" to serve the elderly, a few others chimed in with the area they felt lead to... I have always known, well, I've known for a lot of years that the ones I want to serve are you young women.
The only true prophet that I ever felt like I encountered was a man named Andre from New Guinea. He prayed for me and spoke to me that I would have many daughters. Over the years it has come true and that's how you prove a prophet, right?

When I was in my 30's, I felt drawn to young teen women. In my 40's I had several 20 somethings that I ministered to and loved like daughters, now in my 50's, my daughters are in their 30's or close - but, most of the time I feel like I have so little to give, that I am just learning myself and have no wisdom to share.

Maybe if I live to be a 100 I will actually have gained some insight into this life we struggle with.

I learn so much from you younger women - you have such grasp on life, you see things that I missed at your age, and it makes me hugely proud to know such smart, strong women.



Sandra said...

I remember Andre! I loved him. :)
I think you have a ton of wisdom to share! One of the things I love about you is that you don't pretend to have it all figured out like most other people do. Without your guidance I never would have known that it was okay to not have all the answers all of the time.

Kristen said...

Thank you, Aola.

I can't tell you all the ways you have given me courage to do what is right or just inspired me to think for myself. You have so much to share and are doing it all the time. You are loved and appreciated!

E. Michelle said...

i think that you should know that you have stood in as a mother-figure for me. I think a woman should have a strong handful of women she can trust and listen to.
you've been so affirming when my life has been a black hole for affirmation.
you're so necessary.
oh and i now have tuedays and wednesdays off, in succession, so i am ready to plan to see you.