Wednesday, July 25, 2007

wound up tight

Do you guys have those hormonal days where you feel like your nerves are frayed and you just want to jump out of your skin?

I'm having one of those days today and I know it's bad when I can't walk by the cheese danish in the grocery store without buying one. Most days I can just walk on by, but, not today.

Funny thing was I mentioned it to Mark and as is his usual reply "yeah, that happens to me sometimes."

Really Mark????


Sandra said...

Boy do I have these days! They are usually accompanied by nights when I can't sleep. They suck!
Damn our hormones!
Men don't get it. They think they do, and I think they might try really hard to understand, but they don't.

Kristen said...


It usually takes me a few hours to calm down and realize what's happening. Within that few hours though, I eat everything I can get my hands on, think of ways to murder J covertly (hahaha), and feel like my life could never get any worse. So weird.

aola said...

you guys are so funny -

Thanks, it makes me feel a little to better to know that I'm not alone, and really not crazy.