Monday, August 06, 2007

I'm thinking of taking a yoga class. I've tried the videos, but always seem to injure my back when I try them. I know I'll need some special allotment of time that is just for me once I start homeschooling Erin. I currently pay $39 a month for a membership at Curves that I don't use. I think it might be better used with a yoga or light stretching class.


Kristen said...

Sounds like a good idea. Ask if you can pay for (or get in for free) just one or two classes at first if you want to, to make sure you like the pace of the class and the instructor.

Sandra said...

Great idea!

aola said...

I love yoga (when I actually get around to doing it) but I don't know that I could keep up in a class. I kind of make up my own routine and go at my own pace.