Monday, August 13, 2007

Intuitive eating can be a tricky thing....

it's like I have a dual personality and each of them want to have a say-so in my intuition.

There is the side of me that wants to be, likes to be healthy so that I feel good, live longer, you know, the smarter side of my brain, but..
there is this other side to - the Ms. Piggy side of me that just wants to have fun, keeps telling me that life's short - eat cake.

Every once in a while the Ms. Piggy side starts to override the smarter side and I start feeling bloated and clothes don't fit right anymore which makes the smart side snap awake and go


It happened just like that Saturday night when I was trying on clothes trying to decide what to wear Sunday.

I've told Ms. Piggy that she was just out of control and needed to stop baking those yummy desserts. I don't care if it is too hot to go outside and do anything, you can't fill up your day baking and eating. Go sit down with a glass of water and read.


Sandra said...

I feel ya! It's been all about the food for me lately, and that's not good. Trying to find balance is hard for me. I've also been avoiding working out because it's summer and I just don't want to. My body is telling me I need to though.
I'm going to focus this next couple of weeks to really try and eat better ad workout more.

Kristen said...

Miss Piggy...hee-hee. I feel ya, too.

It hasn't been as hard for me lately, but it's mainly been because I haven't been obsessing over it. Funny, this whole trying to pregnant thing has made eat well and exercise frequently, but with a focus on health and gentleness with myself--not an ideal body image. So that's been kind of cool.

E. Michelle said...

i have gained five pounds in this moving process. I think i am making radical changes, not just location either, and all my anxieties scream for sugar.