Sunday, April 27, 2008

Third trimester bitching

The bad news: my hands and feet are so swollen and painful, they make me want to cry.

The good news: I haven't noticed my back hurting in several days!

It's all perspective, I guess.

Only a few more weeks....


R said...

geez this is a sucky time. so sorry.
good news -- the moment the baby is born, most of the swelling leaves.

Sandra said...

You poor thing. Try to rest and put those feet up. I know nothing will alleviate the problem completely, but maybe that will help.

aola said...

It won't be long now...

Kristen said...

Talked to the midwife today. She says it's normal--my bp is still good and they aren't worried about me or baby. I only have a slight amount of swelling, but it can cause a lot of pain. BLAH! She says it will probably get worse and then get better 7-10 days post-birth. Whew. I can do it!