Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Changing tracks

I'm trying priority eating. Never heard of it? That's because I made it up. It goes something like this -- veggies before sweets, lean protein before fats, etc. So, sure I can have that cookie if I've already had five servings of vegetables. I'll let you know how it goes.

Three days of pilates and I lost an inch in my waist. I have three more inches to go.


aola said...



E. Michelle said...

though I hadn't named it, i have done priority eating.

Sandra said...

Wow! 3 inches is amazing! Interesting eating plan.

Kristen said...

Priority eating...sounds good to me. Write yourself a book and make a couple million. :)

I am doing something a little like that, too, actually...mornings I must be disciplined and get in my protein, but I'm allowing myself a latte after lunch (when my pocketbook and calorie count can afford it).

Jeanne said...

Three days = one inch!!!!????