Tuesday, September 08, 2009

and the saga continues:

i have been in Boston for six days now and i am enjoying it. i have cleaned out my restroom (threw away a bunch of old-medicine and make-up) and cleaned out our closet. Both Chris and i have too many clothes for the size constraints of our storage areas, so i have two big bags of clothes glowing to Boomerangs- the thrift shop in town whose proceeds go to AIDS research,etc. it feels fantastic to prune our wardrobes, but it isn't easy for me to do. i tend to want to keep anything that isn't torn or stained. This was the first time i had to let go of items because, for instance, they have always fit a little too big, or the sweater looks faded... you know... stuff i could have continued to wear and would-have, if i had more space.

Some people think that clutter makes it hard to lose weight, do you?

I went to the grocery store again yesterday. I told Chris that for me grocery-shopping is always fun and makes me feel rooted in my location. he doesn't get that, he hates grocery-shopping. i have been making specific lists and taking a calculator. WOW! it makes the event super organized and quick, we get exactly what we need, rarely anything gets capriciously added, and we CONTROL the cost. it makes the experience totally AWESOME for me-- the tally makes me understand exactly how much money is being spent and why-- all intentionally, you see. i usually hate spending $100 anywhere all together.

This time we were shopping for four days and spent $63. not bad, though we will have to spend $10 on smaller-market produce. We went yesterday, Labor Day, so the produce was already seriously picked-over by the time we got there. no strawberries, no cilantro, and all the avocadoes were really mushy. So $73 for four days? not bad. we spent more last time.

i weigh less now. ten pounds less than right this minute would be as little as i need to weigh. it would be in my You GO GIRL! range.
remember when we used to say that? my FIL still says it. TEN POUNDS! it is my goal! FYI: minus five pounds from here is where i was when i got pregs with Jujie. Minus TEN-- which is the goal-- is my wedding day weight. cool, right?

i read an article on TIME.com yesterday called "Why Exercise Won't Make You Thin".
While the article does say that exercise is good for a lot of health-markers, it does not make one lose weight. Basically, the article refers to exercise as we now know it, 30-60 minutes in the gym. it asserts that when we work out, we compensate for the loss of energy by either eating more or moving less throughout the day. The article suggests that we then strive to maintain a more active lifestyle- gardening, using the stairs, running for the T (in my case) and eat sensibly. If you have time, read it and let me know what you think.

Since i have an easier time eating well than exercising regularly, i like it.=)

how are you doing, healthwise? A: how is SouthBeach going? sleeping any?


Sandra said...

Thanks for the link to that article! It's so informative. When I worked at Curves all of the members who worked out regularly would complain that they were more hungry after working out. I too felt more hungry every time I worked out and would get so frustrated that it seemed like all my hard work was for nothing.
I know that vigorous workouts and severe dietary restriction can result in weight loss, but I'm not convinced that those results are either lasting or a measure of better health. This article confirms what I've suspected for a while. It's difficult to convince yourself that something works when you've tried it and failed. I'm all for food modification and a little more walking.

E. Michelle said...

me, too, Sandra. it is such a relief to be told that it isn't a fair expectation- that one would lose weight through exercise.

Kristen said...

I read it, too, and liked it, but I hope people don't take away the idea that physical activity is useless...it's still good for you! :) For more on this sort of thing, Paul Campos' The Obesity Myth is sooo worth a read here--Rethinking Thin by Gina Kolata is also really good.

I'm thinking I'm a weird one because a workout tends to make me less hungry and it makes me want to make better food choices to not undo my hard work. :)