Wednesday, September 16, 2009


hello, dahlings!
wondering if you could do me a favor.
I have estimated, and proven now three times, that I spend about 25 dollars/per day for groceries, not including any alcohol- but all breakfasts, lunches and dinners included.

today I shopped for 6 days and spent $155. I want to see if my bill is really so very high, compared to you guys who, they would say, live in more affordable areas than Boston.

For six-seven days I seem to always spend $30 on produce.

k, what about you all?


Sandra said...

I mistakenly thought that groceries would be cheaper here, but that only seems to be true when I go to the farmers market or buy produce at a road side stand. In fact, a trip to one of the smaller grocery stores here proved to be far more expensive than any of the stores in Sunnyvale. That whole supply and demand thing becomes evident very quickly in a small town!
We spend around $100-$150 weekly, less if I check the sales adds.

aola said...

I shop at Walmart so my bill includes personal toiletries as well as groceries. I spend between $125. - 150. weekly at Walmart and another 200 - 250 monthly at Sams Club. When I shop I buy a lot of basics since I cook a lot. I hardly ever buy prepared foods. That feeds four of us three meals a day since we are always home and Levi and Christi a big part of the time. And, that doesn't include quick trips to the little local grocery store in Allen or MEAT because I buy all our meat at a meat market monthly.
So, yeah, I spend a lot on groceries.

Sounds to me like you are doing a great job.

E. Michelle said...

thanks A. it also sounds like we're not spending a lot more than either of you, per person. Sandra, that is you and david and Erin eating, right? you are spending less than I am then-- i could not get away with $100/week. though, just for fun, i am going to try! this next menu will be tailored toward spending less. we'll see.

Sandra said...

E- that only includes David two nights a week. When he works it's just Erin and myself, and Erin barely eats anything. She's happy with mac'n cheese most nights. I'm worried about how our grocery bill will change once David is home in the evenings.

E. Michelle said...

aaahh, i see, sandy. for some reason, it seems i undershopped this week. i don't know that $150 will really see us through six days... will let you know.

R said...

We spend $15 a day on food, $503 a month. We grow all the veggies, so in that department we only buy fresh fruit. Most of the expense comes from the boy (juice and snacks). When it was just Nate and I we could make it on $80 a week. Things that help -- baking in bulk -- when I make pizza dough I make enough for three pizzas and freeze two balls; same with cookie dough (always make two batches, put half in freezer) -- soy, almond and banana muffins -- make every weekend freeze and dole out one at a time for breakfast or snacks -- bananas in general, freeze in skins before they go bad or when they are cheap for smoothies, muffins or bread; soup -- stole this from Rachelle (blogger) potato soup with bacon, lentils and bacon, butternut squash, chicken and noodle, chili of all stripes etc., -- we eat a soup with a crusty bread once a week. Leftover soup is great for lunch all week. If you have any kind of stoop with light, you can grow spinach in a few pots (it will grow inside). Having fresh spinach is a life saver.

Okay, time to teach class.

E. Michelle said...

becky! oh my! you are in an advanced stage of food preparation. Thanks for those notes.

E. Michelle said...
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