Monday, November 27, 2006

An update

I don't want to hear anything about Thanksgiving These things happen. Between little things like colds, holidays and vacations to big things like what's happening with Sandra and her family, the past week has been...crazy.

Mom and I tried to hit the gym for the first time (for me since the vacation and the cold, and for her, the first time since her gall bladder surgery earlier this month), but the snow and ice prevented us. Better luck tomorrow.

How is everyone else doing?

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Monday... walk... check
Tuesday...lift... check....

I'm on a roll here.

I am going to make an appointment to have my lipids panel done again in January, so, if I'm gonna spend $50.00 to have my cholestrol checked I better start eating a little more carefully so it will be worth it :)

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Jessica Biel

Now, that is enough to inspire me...

I walked two days this week and lifted two days this week. I'm back to using my light weights, slowly going to work back up to where I was.

I guess I just felt like it was a waste of time because I never see the results I hope for but I know it is not a waste, in fact, I know that if I don't do it I won't have that quality of life that I want to have in the next 20 + years.

I'm never going to look like Jessica Biel. It's hard to face to reality of being old sometimes but I can be healthy and feel good.

So, this week I am going to make myself walk at least 3 days and go from there.

I'm glad that you ladies are here to talk to.

Thanks for everything.

Friday, November 10, 2006

I'm back in the saddle again. I did my workouts this week and had a much cleaner eating plan. I still splurged here and there, but for the most part it was good. David and I are having a competition. The one of us that loses the most body fat percentage between now and January first will win some $$$. Perhaps this was the reason for his gift of Ferrero Rocher today. Oh wait, that was an anniversary gift. Me thinks he's out to sabotage me! I'll get him back! I had one and gave two away to friendly customers who stopped by today. I have about ten more in the bell shaped container. I'm sure I know ten more people that would love some chocolate!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

I am posting this so that I will work out because I am telling you ladies that I will work out today! I have zero energy right now and even less motivation, but I'm not going to let that stop me. I'm going to take Erin to school and then work out.

Life has really been taking it out of me lately. I'm not sure what’s going on, but I feel really tired all the time. I have no energy to even clean house. I force myself to do it because I can't stand a messy house, but each movement feels forced. I know I am getting enough sleep so I'm not sure why I'm feeling like this. The only thing I can think of is stress. My job, while boring, does require a lot of work especially when we are having a visit from one of the "big" bosses. They also put a lot of pressure on their employees to make certain numbers every month. I was also training someone last week who ended up stealing $100.00 and jumping ship. Between that and feeling like I'm the only one in the house who cares if we have clean dishes and laundry, I'm feeling a little overwhelmed. I try to make myself sit down and relax, but when I'm home I'm thinking of all the things that need to be done there and do them and when I'm at work I'm thinking of all I need to do there and since I live where I work, I don't get a break from all this thinking and doing.
I know it sounds like I'm complaining, but really I'm not. I'm just voicing this so that it doesn't keep building in me. I just need someone to know that I can't do it all even if I don't realize that myself.

Friday, November 03, 2006

I lost my focus for a few weeks, but I'm regaining perspective now. I am starting back on plan Monday! I really can't wait as I have been feeling pretty yucky the last week. David is going to start with me which is exciting! I'm going to go over the IR diet again and plan out a menu for us. David will be lifting three days a week at home and running two days. I will be going to Curves three days a week and running two days.
Amazingly I haven't gained any weight, but I'm sure that I have lost some muscle. Here's to getting it back!
Is anyone else watching The Biggest Loser? It consistantly inspires me!