Monday, November 27, 2006

An update

I don't want to hear anything about Thanksgiving These things happen. Between little things like colds, holidays and vacations to big things like what's happening with Sandra and her family, the past week has been...crazy.

Mom and I tried to hit the gym for the first time (for me since the vacation and the cold, and for her, the first time since her gall bladder surgery earlier this month), but the snow and ice prevented us. Better luck tomorrow.

How is everyone else doing?


aola said...

I'm just glad that it's Monday, the weekend is over, and I can make myself get back to my regular routine of eating and exercise.. such as it is.

Sandra said...

I'm going to start back on Wednesday. I need to get back to something normal. I'm looking forward to a good run/walk.

E. Michelle said...

Just okay over here. I am keeping active though.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Hey it is me samantha I was just saying hi i did not see another commet from you so I came to comment you !!!Well buy now samantha!