Wednesday, August 29, 2007

I've been feeling rather icky lately. Not sick icky. Lazy, do nothing icky. It's an awful way to feel. So, I'm doing something about it. Yesterday I did 30 minutes on the elliptical and today I'm doing the 20 minute beginner workout on the BowFlex. I never thought I would say this, but I really miss working at Curves. Not only do I miss the rich conversations I used to have with the women. I miss being able to move around at work and not being stuck in an office.


aola said...

I agree - it is a yucky feeling, I've been feeling it, too. I ache to be able to get outside and really work but the heat drives me back inside. I know the answer is exercise but for some reason I just can't seem to make myself.
A couple of days I lifted weights and it felt to good but then I just let the lethargy take over again.
Maybe fall weather will help us gain some energy.

Kristen said...

Fall is a perfect time to get reinvigorated. :) The weather starts cooling off so you can get outside more; the food choices are new and delightful (yummy vegetables, crisp apples, savory soups, crusty bread); it's a great time for a hiking/walking photo expedition.

You know, Sandra, you've got a lot of other things going on right now, too. So be gentle on yourself and give yourself a hug for me!

Sandra said...

A, I signed up over at Magpie and am very excited!
I have felt the same way about exercise. I do something a few times ,but without any real gusto. Maybe fall is just what I need.
Kristen, thank you for being so gently and reminding me to do the same. :)