Sunday, November 25, 2007


I talked to my brother today, he was telling me that his wife, who is only three years older than me, is having so much pain in her body,especially her back right now, that she can hardly get up and do anything. She had knee surgery last year, she has trouble with her feet... blah, blah, blah.
My sister-in-law is probably one of the laziest humans I've ever known. She wasn't always like that but since her kids left home ten years ago she does nothing and I mean nothing. She sits in her chair and watches TV. She has gained 100 pounds in the last ten years, she smokes, she eats nothing but junk, takes tons of prescription drugs... and if she doesn't do something radically different, pretty soon she won't be able to get up and do anything about it.
This isn't a rant about what a bad person my sister-in-law is, it is a rant against getting older and lazy and allowing this happen to yourself.

A couple of months ago I made myself stop using the golf cart. It was just so easy to hop in Em's cart to go to the mail box or to the dog pen or up to Mother's, way too easy. So, I stopped. I make myself walk everywhere I go out here and it's a lot of walking.

I still haven't managed to get myself back into a regular walking routine - and shame on me for it.

I know there are things I need to be doing like weight bearing exercise and walking every day.

I guess I need a good kick in the butt to get me going again. I'm hoping that talking with my brother today will be some incentive.

I've been doing lots of brain exercise, I love the new DS and the game I bought, Brain Age, Brain Age 2, and Big Brain Academy.

So, if you feel like giving me a swift kick in the ass to get me going, please go right ahead!!


Sandra said...

Here's a kick for you and one for me! :)
I took the last six days off and now it's time to get going again.
I know you will do it. :)

R said...

Think Linda for inspiration. If you want, I'll tell you my awful tequila inducing story. That'll get you moving.

Kristen said...


I'm starting to feel better so I'm trying to do some exercise (nearly) every day, too. I just bought some maternity workout pants...

aola said...

Becky -yeah, we never did get to the Linda story did we?

let me go get a shot(of tequila) and I'll be ready....

maybe I should go walk first :)

E. Michelle said...

A, yay for you doing brain exercises. know what? I can be really spiritual on my walks so i combine the walk with prayer or meditation. could you double-up somehow?