Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Rethinking Thin

Every time I say something like this, people look at me like I'm insane. It's sort of getting old. But here it is in the NY Times:

About two years ago, a group of federal researchers reported that overweight people have a lower death rate than people who are normal weight, underweight or obese. Now, investigating further, they found out which diseases are more likely to lead to death in each weight group.

I love this quote:

Dr. Gail, though, had some advice, which, he said, is his personal opinion as a physician and researcher: “If you are in the pink and feeling well and getting a good amount of exercise and if your doctor is very happy with your lab values and other test results, then I am not sure there is any urgency to change your weight.”

Gee, imagine that.


Sandra said...

I don't know if you've looked at my to recent add on my bloglist or not, but I should probably add them here. They are all about waging war against the media and the current concept that anything over a size 2 is unhealthy. I love reading them because they remind me to be the best I can be without the added pressure of fitting into a size category. It's given me the motivation to workout without worrying about what the scale says. I am healthy inside THIS body.

Kristen said...

Which link is it? The F Word?

Kristen said...

Oh wait, yeah, Kate Harding. Very cool!

R said...

read this too. laughed as i read it. did anyone see the CMA awards -- everyone was way too skinny on that show. they looked like a commercial for anorexia.

aola said...

I overheard a strange conversation the other day when a couple of people at my house were talking about how fattening beer is...

R said "yeah, I know this girl who figures up how many calories she can have a day and she eats one chicken breast and drinks the rest in beer.. but, she
is nice and thin."

J said "skinny does not equal healthy"

HooRay for J.

I always tell my kids that I've got the healthiest fat they will ever see :)