Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Coffee, caffeine, etc.

Aola asked how the coffee withdrawal was going for me. Well, I was down to 1 cup a day...for one day. I'm at two cups a day now. It seems like any more than that makes me see the world thru brown glasses, and wake up kind of hungover. But two cups is just enough. And supposedly some caffeine is good for your heart and brain. So...if I don't go over that, it should be fine. And I really like it.
I fasted for one day and I was surprised at the energy I had. It was good.
I decided that I needed to not be too hard on myself physically right now since I'm struggling with some legitimate anxiety and some weather-related depression, too. Thank the Lord for two days of sunshine. It's supposed to stay for a couple more days - I sure hope so.

Kristen is my inspiration for money saving. She always encourages me with her organization and discipline...sometimes I wonder how she's my daughter. Ha ha.


aola said...

Thanks for the update Jeanne - I had been wondering how you were doing. It took me a long time to wean myself off coffee because I love it. But, now only have 1/2 cup in the morning and if I have more it just because I want to,not because I need it and Yes, I've read the same thing... that limited amounts are actually good for you. Yeah, coffee!

I have recently switched from Diet Coke to caffeine free Diet Coke - that was an easy switch with no side effects. :)

Sandra said...

Way to go on the coffee. That is a hard one for many people to cut back on.
I love my coffee, but haven't "needed" it in a long time. I just drink it because I like it and I usually only have it 2 or 3 times a week.

Coke is my weakness! If I even see a coke can I break out in a cold sweat! LOL