Saturday, March 20, 2010

Spring cleaning

It has been an unusually long,cold winter for us along with lots of sickness, lots of sickness as you know since you've heard me whine about it all winter long. And, here it is March 20 and we are still having cold, snowy, wet weather and Seth has yet another cold .. meaning we are all fixing to get it... again.

I'm thinking it is time along with the spring equinox to do a cleanse. I need it so badly.

Have any of you ever tried those detox patches you put on your feet? I was just wondering how well they work.

I'm thinking... lots of fresh veggies, juice, water, whole grains and no sugar, refined carbs or meat (maybe fish) for at least a week. I really don't like brown rice but I could manage it for a week, surely.

Lots of vitamins and supplements and maybe buy myself a case of gogi juice .. it is pretty pricey, but, I am worth it.

Anyone want to do it with me? Any thoughts or suggestions?


Sandra said...

I'd love to do a cleanse with you. I've already been modifying my diet so it should be too much of a change. When are you starting?

aola said...

I started yesterday. I went shopping today and stocked up on the foods I want to eat this week.

citrus fruits
sunflower seeds
broccoli, lots of broccoli
crab (for salads)
salad stuff
brown rice
wild rice

shoot, I forgot to get spinach and strawberries.

oh yeah and several bottles of gogi juice and pomegranate juice,and cranapple

so I should be set. I am NOT going to worry about calories at all, I am going to eat whatever I want from that list. If I can just stick to the list I should be good.

lots of water w/lemon for my liver

so far, so good. Mark brought home a frozen apple pie and vanilla ice cream. I baked the pie for him and haven't had any of it. Yeah, me!!

I really want to do this.
So, glad you are going to do it with me.

Sandra said...

I'm going to go with no refined or processed food. Lots of veggies and fruit from the list you have and water water water. :)

Way to go on not having any pie!!! You're amazing.