Saturday, March 27, 2010

You know, I just don't get it? I really don't.
I mean, I am not a totally undisciplined person. I do get things done, but, for some reason that I don't understand at all I just can't lose weight. I cannot control my eating habits. I can make myself eat healthy food I just can't make myself not eat too much. I just can't do it. When I'm not really hungry, when I know I don't need it, even when I hate myself for it I still eat. I don't eat huge amounts of food, I just eat all the time. I'm a nibbler. It's a bite here and bite there, a handful of pretzels or nuts, a slice of cheese, a this or a that. I do pretty well in the mornings, a lot of time not eating anything until lunch time but once I take that first bite, once I have breakfast .. it's over. I think that is part of the reason I stay out here in the office on the computer so much. I don't eat when I'm out here and I never bring food in here and I'm fine.

I can even control it for a while, a few days or weeks maybe and then when I don't ever see results I give up,get where I just don't care and I eat.

I hate being this fat. I hate not being comfortable in clothes. I would love to buy new clothes and look good but I can't seem to make myself care enough to do something about it.

Don't get it?

I just don't get it?


Jeanne said...

I feel the same way as you, A. And I eat like you do. Ugh!

Sandra said...

I'll second that..or third it. It's so frustrating. The affects of too much eating and not enough working out seem to be instant while the rewards of eating right and working out seem to take forever to show up. It can be so frustrating!

Kristen said...

Fourth it. Yep.