Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Completely off subject, but...

Girls, I can't find the damn keys I've been looking for for weeks now. Found out today they will cost $250 to replace if I can't find them. Please send "finder" vibes/prayers my way! I am so frustrated.

Wanna hear another thing I am irritated about? I knew you did. Sometimes I feel like I have too many issues with food now to ever have a healthy relationship with it or with my body. That sucks.

Feel free to post your frustrations in the comments section. Ha!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

I bought the cutest little book today. It's called The Book of Fun for Moms or something like that, written by a young mother who was trying to learn to cope with having two babies 17 months apart (sound familiar?) It is full of fun things to do with your kids and as a family. It made me feel good because I have done most of them with my kids at one time or another. I'm going to read thru it and then give it to Christi because I am quiet sure she is going to need a little fun in her life soon :)

I also bought the cutest flip flops, I was sooo tickled to find them at Sam's for 12.98!! I had been looking on zappos and the prices were ridiculous. I had a hard time just picking one style, will probably buy another pair or two next month if they still have them.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Please, please read

Just finished another really good book:

Live a Little: Breaking the Rules Won't Break Your Health by Susan Love and Alice Domar with Leigh Ann Hirschman. It was sooooo good, gals.

The authors write about what you can do to be "pretty healthy" rather than giving tons of do's and don't or even dieting advice. This book is helping me RELAX about my health and not feel bad if I miss a little sleep or don't eat perfectly or exercise every day. Got it at my local library--maybe you can, too.

Back in the Blogosphere

I've missed reading these blogs, but just didn't have 'the time anymore'. Now that I've given up my two huge time-wasting Facebook pasttimes, I feel like I have all the time in the world.

So, my own blog will have a little content in it now, and I just wanted to say 'I'm back!'

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

I try to time my Estee Lauder purchases so that I always get the free gift they give away twice a year. Recently, I did just that and in the gift package was one of those unbelievably expensive line-plumping eye treatments so I thought, what the heck I might as well try it. Boy, was that a mistake. I don't guess I thought the whole line-plumping thing through. I was just thinking Wow, if there is anything that could make my under eye area look better I should try it. Never again. I put it on with my nightly moisturizer and the next morning... HOLY COW... the normal bags I have under my eyes looked like inflated air bags!! Bags are bad enough but INFLATED BAGS are bad, bad. So much for the anti-aging line plumping.. HA!

But, I am trying a new skin regime for this summer. I went on line to www. olayforyou.com, went through the questions and have been buying one item at a time the products they suggested. I love the Definity scrub and just started using the night cream last night. It is supposed to help with age spots and discoloration.. we will see. It's quiet a splurge for me but since I am outside so much in the summer I thought I should do it. I'm worth it, right?

Anyone buying any new summer clothes or shoes or make-up so far this season or is everyone pinching pennies like we are?

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


I'm sitting in the break room at work enjoying my turkey, veggie, & mustard on whole wheat sandwich when in walk to of my co-workers with McDonald's meals complete with fries and soda. Neither of these ladies weigh more than a buck twenty and one weighs substantially less. She's so thin that her goal for Wii fit is to gain weight, yes you heard that right. She wants to gain weight and has been shoveling down the ice cream to accomplish her goal. We had a brief conversation about weight wherein I explained my recent try at running, and they both confessed that they couldn't run and that neither of them did anything beyond the physical activity they do at work to stay thin. And it hits me. Weight is not fair, and the playing field of weight loss is not equal. Some people will go their entire lives without having to put in half of the effort of others and will be thin regardless of their lack of effort. Others, like me, will work very hard for every ounce they lose. Some can eat whatever they want whenever they want to and it will never catch up to them. Others can gain a pound just by looking at chocolate cake, at least it feels that way sometimes.

In the past month my weight has not budged, but I will not give up hope or stop trying.

Friday, April 09, 2010

i'm doing good, how 'bout you?

The change in weather has been good for me. I am feeling better mentally and physically. Of course, there is always sinus/allergy stuff to deal with in Oklahoma and especially this time of year but mine hasn't been too bad.
I am busy outside, a lot. The mowing has begun, flower beds to work in and a slow start in the vegetable garden and just sitting. I love to just sit in the sun with my feet in the clover. We are all enjoying watching Zoe discover the world of outdoors. She's going to be a wild one.
I am eating lighter and better, the being busy helps me not to nibble quiet so much. No weight loss, of course, but, I still feel better about myself.
I dedicate some time every day to some sort of exercise - take a walk, do some yoga type stretching exercises, or weight bearing and that also makes me feel better.
Business is better which really helps my attitude and our home/family life is wonderful.

So, in general, life is good.