Friday, April 09, 2010

i'm doing good, how 'bout you?

The change in weather has been good for me. I am feeling better mentally and physically. Of course, there is always sinus/allergy stuff to deal with in Oklahoma and especially this time of year but mine hasn't been too bad.
I am busy outside, a lot. The mowing has begun, flower beds to work in and a slow start in the vegetable garden and just sitting. I love to just sit in the sun with my feet in the clover. We are all enjoying watching Zoe discover the world of outdoors. She's going to be a wild one.
I am eating lighter and better, the being busy helps me not to nibble quiet so much. No weight loss, of course, but, I still feel better about myself.
I dedicate some time every day to some sort of exercise - take a walk, do some yoga type stretching exercises, or weight bearing and that also makes me feel better.
Business is better which really helps my attitude and our home/family life is wonderful.

So, in general, life is good.

1 comment:

Sandra said...

Being outdoors helps me so much! My goal is to walk, jog, bike ride, or roller blade every day that it isn't raining. On the days when it does rain I'll do a workout with the Wii. I'm also focusing on staying positive.

Glad life is good there. :)