Thursday, March 01, 2007

Okay, So I didn't throw the scale away,but, I haven't been on it in a while. I decided this morning that I was going to weigh myself just to settle a point within myself.
I had neither gained or lost anything - right where I was before.. before when I was counting every calorie, driving myself crazy over it, but, not making one bit of difference.
So, the point proven is that it really wasn't making any difference. I'm doing just as well with intuitive eating (even tho I'm still learning). I am learning, I catch myself knowing when I am about to go eat something because of stress or boredom and I just tell myself that I shouldn't - sometimes I listen, sometimes I go ahead and eat it anyway but I'm getting better with the listening.

How are you guys doing with it?


R said...

Since I've been writing all week, lousy. I want to eat everytime I leave the computer. Tomorrow, I slow down, so I'm going to try eating if I'm hungry, not if I simply want to escape.

I'm so happy you're not counting any more. Counting sucks.

Kristen said...

Hmmm, I've mainly been just eating whatever, whenever I want and not making myself feel guilty...although it hasn't been intuitive eating really. I think I'll try that next week. I really want veggies though...what a change. And my desire for junk food (even an afternoon candy bar) has almost vanished. Funny how when food isn't forbidden, it loses its power, eh? I haven't been great with the exercise this week though, and I think I'm consequently depressed, not out of guilt, but just because not starting the day with exercise makes me start the day grumpy--and with life the way it is right now, I need all the happy endorphins I can get.

aola said...

Kristen, Are you sure you're not pregnant??? :)
Every time I've ever gotten pg I immediately start craving good food - mostly fruit and like the minute I'm pregnant I can't drink coffee anymore.

Sandra said...

I had the same experience! I just weighed myself and I am exactly the same and I've been eating what I want when I'm hungry. I've really been paying attention to when I feel full and when I want to eat but I'm not hungry. All that counting was for nothing! How crazy is that! I have been working out which feels great! I moved my bench presses up to 85 lbs!