Monday, February 26, 2007

We had company last night. I fixed a huge meal - ham, potato salad, green salad, green bean salad, hot bread, and banana pudding. I didn't think I ate all that much I tried to listen to my body and stop eating when I was full but as I lay down to go to sleep last night I had that yucky way overfull feeling. I hate that. So, I lay there feeling like an idiot, talking to myself, telling me to learn to listen better because my tummy does not like the way it feels when I stuff it too full.

Listen up, dummy.

I did better today. I'm learning. At lunch today I ate a little leftover ham and a piece of bread. I had a small portion of potato salad on my plate too but I was too full to eat it and I actually got up and threw it away instead of eating it.

My boys are so good about knowing when to stop. I have never made food a big deal at our house. You eat what you like, if we have something new the rule is you have to at least try it and then if you don't like it, don't eat it. I've always told them that when you are full, stop, I'll throw the rest away.

I want to relearn that ability.


Sandra said...

Don't beat yourself up. Just count it as a learning experience. Remember how icky it felt and that will be your motivation. Go easy on yourself. You are re-learning something. You can't expect to be perfect the first time. I know I haven't been. :)

Kristen said...

Amen to what Sandra said!

I learned I actually liked cooked broccoli this weekend. Woah! Haven't had it since I was a kid.

Sandra said...

I LOVE broccoli! :)

aola said...

I love broccoli, too, cooked, raw, with dip, witout, in salad.
A lot of the time when I make spaghetti I throw a handful of broccoli in with the pasta while it is cooking. I love it like that, Em usually fusses at me so I don't do it all the time.

Kristen said...

Ooooh, that's a good idea. Jason would like that, too.

Jeanne said...

Broccoli, Kristen??? Kristen, Broccoli? That means I don't get yours anymore. Bummer.

Sandra said...

Jeanne, It's nice to see ya round these parts! :)