Sunday, January 30, 2011

I didn't walk at all this week because of my back, was hoping to start again tomorrow but the predictions are for freaking cold weather next week so we'll see.

I did look up a couple of websites that showed specific exercises to strengthen back muscles and some for knees and have been doing them.. a few every day and doing a little weight lifting with (very) light weights (8lbs). I know I don't work out hard enough to probably make much difference but I keep thinking it is better than not doing anything... right???

I'm doing pretty good at eliminating the salty snacks but, Lord o'mercy you should hear Mark whine about me buying unsalted nuts and seeds....

My eating is about the same... too much of a good thing and there is no weight loss. Maybe when I can get back to walking every day.. I can keep hoping.

love you guys

Sunday, January 23, 2011


this week was a total FAIL

I didn't walk but a couple of days - it was just too cold.

It's so easy for me to replace one thing with another in my diet.. I mean... I have been cutting way back on the salty snacks but eating just as many non salty ones that there is no way I'm gonna lose any weight, but, I keep telling myself that I'm eating healthier and actually I am but I still need the weight loss to bring down the BP and I'm not achieving that!!

All I know to do is keep trying.

It hasn't been a good week - lots of stress. We are dealing with another Rock Star who is refusing to pay us what they owe and losing what we thought was a friend in the process. Really SUCKS!! That and my Older Brother is causing me grief, again. He has sent two different realtors to our house...

So, come tomorrow morning, I will bundle up and go walk. I will try to control my eating. I will not eat salty things. I will take my vitamins and my BP medications and that's about the best I can do.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

I'm down 6lbs!! I haven't worked out for the past three days thanks to a nasty chest cold. Does coughing count as a workout?

How are you doing A???

Sunday, January 09, 2011

Walked every day this week except one - the day I went to the doctor. I was especially proud of myself for making it this morning. It was cold and all I wanted to do was snuggle up and stay in bed but I did it and felt better for it.

The diet hasn't been a stretch for me, I think the new meds are affecting my appetite so I have been eating only because I know I need to eat and being choosy about what I did eat. According to the scale (which I decided to use ONCE a week) I lost a couple of pounds this week.. not a big deal when you need to lose at least 50!

Today I've had 2 eggs (but only one yolk), a piece of oat bread toast, a small bowl of vegetable soup, and a bowl of cheerios with blueberries.

I learned something tonight that really surprised me. I haven't ever paid much attention to the sodium content of things while reading labels but, of course, am paying much more attention now. .... Did you know that a serving of canned green beans has 200mg MORE sodium than a serving of Pringles potato chips???? WoW!!

This has been a really hard week, a couple of nights of wondering if I was going to wake up the next morning, one evening where we struggled with deciding to take me to the ER... moments of panic. But, I think the meds are starting to level me out again. I need to not forget this week but keep it close in my mind to spur me on to keep walking and pushing myself.

6 out of 7 ain't bad..

I worked out Thursday, skipped Friday, but found myself back in front of EA Active again on Saturday!

That's 6 days out of 7!

The diet hasn't been the best, but it is a work in progress.

My blood pressure is already showing signs of compliance! That's the best news of all!

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

I walked my mile this morning(two days in a row), then worked in the garden.

I hardly ever eat breakfast (just not a morning person), had an egg sandwich for lunch, salad with grilled chicken for supper and a few triscuits while we watched a movie tonight.

The hardest part for me will be getting the salt out of my diet. I love salt. I love salty things.. chips, crackers, pretzels...

I informed the family there will be no more wieners in our house. Emily loves them and I have been remiss in letting her eat so many of them.. .they are OUT OF HERE. She will be happy with what I give her.

When I get weak I will just remind myself of that BP reading the other night - 174/103!!!

Do it or DIE. you would think that is motivation enough.

1/7th of the way there!

just finished workout 4 of 28. It feels good to be doing this even when I'd rather be sitting on the couch watching TV!

Tuesday, January 04, 2011

3/28....only 25 more days to go! :)

Monday, January 03, 2011

I worked out today despite every bone in my body telling me not too. It was a very long day at school and I was tired when I got home, but I feel better for having done it.


Sunday, January 02, 2011

Begining Again (update)

Because my blood pressure was 143/88 today, and my weight is higher than I want to admit to myself, I've been having the most horrible acid reflux lately, and I feel like crap most days I'm starting again.

I've signed up for the 28-Day Bootcamp Workout Challenge. So for the next 28 days I will log my progress here. The good, the bad, the ugly. Whatever I do or don't do, you will find it here.

For breakfast today I had 2 slices of whole wheat toast, 1 tablespoon of peanut butter, 1 cup of low-fat yogurt, and a cup of coffee.

The weather is oddly warm today, so I will go for a walk.

Anyone want to join me in the challenge?

I made myself workout with the Wii. I use EA Active and did a 22 minute workout. I was sweaty and feeling better about myself for it by the end. :) Workout 1/28 down. I'm committed to working out every day for the next 28 days!