Sunday, January 23, 2011


this week was a total FAIL

I didn't walk but a couple of days - it was just too cold.

It's so easy for me to replace one thing with another in my diet.. I mean... I have been cutting way back on the salty snacks but eating just as many non salty ones that there is no way I'm gonna lose any weight, but, I keep telling myself that I'm eating healthier and actually I am but I still need the weight loss to bring down the BP and I'm not achieving that!!

All I know to do is keep trying.

It hasn't been a good week - lots of stress. We are dealing with another Rock Star who is refusing to pay us what they owe and losing what we thought was a friend in the process. Really SUCKS!! That and my Older Brother is causing me grief, again. He has sent two different realtors to our house...

So, come tomorrow morning, I will bundle up and go walk. I will try to control my eating. I will not eat salty things. I will take my vitamins and my BP medications and that's about the best I can do.


Kristen said...

Well, the best thing you can do is just do better this week (as much as you can), right? We all have weeks like that--where the weather or PMS or life circumstances make us crap out. Hope this week is better for ya.

Jeanne said...

I like this: Sometimes courage doesn't roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day that says 'I will try again tomorrow.'
Can you do some moving without going outside?
Hang in there, A. Praying for you.

Anonymous said...

I love you sweet lady. I hate those that are fking with you!!

hate, i say! H8!!

Sandra said...

Keep it up A! You're doing so great. Don't worry about a few days off, or a bad week. Bad weeks happen.

As for the rock star that won't pay and the brother...karma will get them both!