Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Yesterday was tough. I had no sugar at all. I drank my coffee with only half and half. I skipped on the tortilla when we had fajitas for dinner. I had a two egg white one whole egg omelet with two slices of turkey bacon in half a whole wheat pita for breakfast. Lunch was a grilled chicken salad with two tablespoons of light sugar free Asian dressing. I had half a banana with sugar free cherry jello for a snack. The banana probably has more sugar than I need, but I'm not going to beat myself up over that.
There were far to many temptations! David and Erin had candy from V-Day left over which seemed to be everywhere. The brownies I made a few days ago were still on the cabinet. And to top it all off, it was my step-moms birthday and the only thing she asked for was some of my cranberry apple bread! So, I made her some. If I can avoid all of those things, I know I can do this.
I've had the same breakfast today and made it over to my dads house to workout on the treadmill. I'm going again this evening.


R said...

I allow fruit and don't worry about it, either.
The first two weeks suck. They just do. But the results come fast, and the cravings subside. I eat more fat than you do (olives, whole eggs, and almonds), but otherwise the food looks really similar.

The hardest thing for me is not getting bored with what I'm eating and including as many veggies as possible -- some tricks -- fresh, green beans and dressing (your pick). Easy and so good. I also eat my weight in bell peppers and celery (especially celery with natural peanut butter -- the fat again). Have you ever roasted chick peas? It's from the SouthBeach cookbook. It fills a craving for snacks and is the equivalent of very cheap nuts. Drain and rinse a can of chickpeas. Dump on cookie sheet and throw in oven heated to 400. Wait until brown . . . I don't have a timer -- I just keep checking. I want to say it's about 12 mins, but it might be longer. They are a little bland, so I throw chile and salt on them. You can do this :)

aola said...

I heard on Oprah the other day that pork bacon was actually a better choice than turkey because the calories are about the same and has less sodium.

I know you are wanting to lose but you do need some essential fats, like Becky said, the olives and nuts are excellent choices.

Sandra said...

Roasted chickpeas sound interesting. :) I'm going to give them a try.

I'll probably have more fat, it just wasn't there yesterday. I usually add avocado to salads and sandwiches and I like natural peanut butter with apples as a snack. I also have salmon once a week.

A, do you know what episode the bacon information was on? I just read the back of my turkey bacon vs. david's bacon and the sodium was much higher in his. Maybe there is a specific type of bacon that's better? I love the taste of turkey bacon much more than I like pork bacon. I'm not a big salt fan.

aola said...

it was a couple of weeks ago with the author of the book "Eat This, Not That!"
by David Zinczenko.

Jeanne said...

The nutrition in fruit makes up for the sugar which is easier to digest and use anyway. Nice job on resisting temptation! I'm proud of you!

Kristen said...

Great tips, Becky! Way to go, Sandra. :)