Thursday, May 17, 2007

Just read this article today on the top eight strategies that work for weight loss according to consumer reports and wanted some feedback. Most of it is the same old stuff, but I found number eight interesting.


Kristen said...

Yeah, I've been seeing this float around the web this week.

Most people who "lose weight for a living" (fitness competitors, some models, bodybuilders, etc.) do #8. Chicken and broccoli, chicken and broccoli. The gal on Junkfood Science always says (and I don't think she is pro-intuitive eating necessarily, but she is definitely not anti-fat--she calls out the "obesity myth") to eat a variety of foods to best get all the vitamins and minerals you need.

I would err on the side of eating a variety of good stuff with "fun food" once in a while. Of course, my eating has been kind of out of control lately, so what do I know? :)

Sandra said...

I agree. I think that sticking to only a few foods would probably send me into "I want" overload because I always want what I can't have. The funny thing is that if you give me 5 options all the time. More likely than not I'll chose the same thing over and over because I'm just that way, but if you only give me that one option I'll want something else.