Thursday, May 24, 2007

My life is a gift

I don't think we've posted these here before, but I thought these were really good.

From this website:

Affirmations for Compulsive Overeaters

1. My worth as a person is not diminished in any way by my body size or my eating patterns.

2. I will love myself no matter what my eating patterns are.

3. I will judge my days not by what or how much I eat, but by the accomplishments I have made and the love I have given.

4. My life is a gift, and I will not let my enjoyment of it be diminished by feeling guilty over my body size or how much I eat.

5. I am finished blaming others, situations, and myself for the way I eat. I will take action minute-by-minute, hour-by-hour, and day-by-day until I can eat normally again.

6. Compulsive overeating is a temporary condition in my life.

7. There is a normal eater within me. I will let her/him take over my life more and more each day as I am ready.

8. I can imagine a life without being a compulsive overeater.

9. When I feel stressed, I will close my eyes and picture how my all-powerful, normal eater would handle the situation.

10. I believe I will be a normal eater again. I know I will be a normal eater again!

Source: The Fat Fairy Godmother

Two, three and four really hit home for me. As I'm reading through intuitive eating blogs, it is encouraging to see how people have initally struggled and sometimes gained weight and really had to work on this. That's where I am right now, and I appreciate so many women sharing their struggles.

I have four books on mindful eating on hold at the library right now; it might be a bit of an overload (got a little carried away when reserving books online), but I figure this way I can pick and choose. :) I've been really fascinated by the way the French approach life and eat lately; I want to savor my food and enjoy it, like I've read most French people do.

1 comment:

Sandra said...

Great post Kristen! It really is all about loving our body regardless of size. I'm trying to find the balance between being mindful of what I eat and not obsessing about what I eat. I'm also trying to make more time to make healthy meals.