Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Three New Habits I'd like to start

1. No eating free food at work. If I must have something sweet, I'm going to have to walk to the store to get it and pay for it with my own hard-earned money.

2. No snacking while cooking dinner, especially not on chips. If I must eat something NOW, I will munch on veggies and dip.

3. No eating after 7 p.m. Not that "after a certain time, you automatically gain fat," or so goes the myth. I just don't eat anything healthy after that time, and whatever I do eat, I eat in excess. No more of that.


aola said...

sounds like a plan..
my plan should include smacking my husband when he brings me sweets. I've decided that he must want me to fail at losing weight because he is always bringing something home he knows I won't be able to resist, like last night I sent him to the store to get carrots and potatoes so I could make veggie soup, he came home with a cheesecake.

Sandra said...

Great goals Kristen! I know you can do it!
A, David used to do the same thing and then I had a serious heart to heart with him and since then he hasn't done it. I think they just don't get how much of a struggle it can be. David can say no to something so easily. Not me!