Friday, January 26, 2007

- 10
+ 3
- 2

That has been what the scales have told me over the last few weeks.

I have been keeping my calories in check, 1500 or below (except for one day when I think I pretty much ate everything in the kitchen).
I've been working out on the weight bench 3 days a week, doing leg work and some curls, no bench presses. I need to be sitting up so I can work with Seth. The bench is right beside his computer, so I lift while he does school.

I am actually enjoying keeping my food journal since I followed Our Lady's advice and turned it into an art project.

I am so looking forward to springtime and working outside again. I'm planning on growing a fairly large garden this year and maybe even doing some canning.


Sandra said...

You are amazing! Canning sounds like fun! I thought about making some jelly this year. I inheirited all of Pam's canning supplies.

Kristen said...

One day I want to live on a farm and grow my own veggies!

Nice job on the food journal and weight loss!