Friday, December 23, 2005

My walk today was lovely. We are having perfect weather here in Oklahoma. I started last week walking every day for 15 minutes. This week I doubled the distance. The first few days it took me almost 30 minutes to walk it, the last couple of days I have made it in 20.
Next week I plan on increasing the distance. I want to do this until I am walking 30 minutes a day at a nice steady clip.

The changes in my diet are harder. I am not a meat eater. I have always been a carb eater, not protein. I could never do Atkins, I would just die. I'm not much of a sweets eater either, my problem is too many carbs (that turn to sugar and then to fat). So, my goal has been to cut the carbs, trying to eat less and staying in low glycemic range and add more veggies and soy proteins. The low carbs is a big change for me and I feel like I'm starving. Hopefully, I will adjust to this soon.
I love vegtables but I also love my bread and pasta and rice.... I have not had a piece of bread or a slice of cheese all week until tonight. I fixed a huge salad, added a small amount of cheese and wrapped in a flour tortilla... ahhh... real food.

I do have to keep my sanity.

and... by the way... we are having pizza tomorrow night
and Sunday morning I'm making cinnamon rolls with cream cheese icing.

Merry Christmas everyone!!!

eat, drink and be merry for soon we starve :)


Kristen said...

Yum! Cinnamon rolls! Merry Christmas, gals!

Sandra said...

You are doing a fab job with your walking! You're inspiring me!