Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Day Two

Day to of BFL was pretty good. I ate a little more than yesterday because I knew I would be working out fairly hard. My calories were around 1750, and everything was clean except the recipe below which I am not sure about.
The BFL workout kicked my butt! It was really tough. I didn't do all the exercises I should have because we don't have dumbbells. I'm going to pick some up today so I'll be prepared for tomorrow. I did a full body work out modified with the BFL principles. My arms were so shaky when I finished! It felt good. When I wanted to quit, I just pushed harder. One thing I forgot to do was take a minute break between each set. I finished 15 minutes sooner than the book said I should and my heart rate was super high. Next time, I'll remember to take the rest.
I made Fruit Filled Chocolate Meringues for my 8 p.m. meal last night. I topped them with fresh strawberries and replaced half of the sugar with splenda. It was delicious.
Today is a cardio day. Erin and I are planning on going for a bike ride when I get home from work. We haven't been in two weeks. It's about time we got out there again.


aola said...

mmmm... they sound yummy.

my calories were off the chart today... I can blame it on menopause, right?

I have all these fresh tomatoes from my garden so I just had to have bacon and tomato sandwhiches at least once this summer.

It was soooo good and since I knew it would ruin my day (calorie wise) I just went ahead and ate all I wanted :)

Sandra said...

That sounds delicious!!! MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM I can't blame you at all. I would have done the same!

Kristen said...

Yum, bacon and tomato...