Wednesday, July 05, 2006

I tried to start the new program today, but I am sick; sore throat, headache, runny nose, and a cough. I'm going to try and mend the rest of this week and start fresh on Monday. Hopefully whatever this is will be gone by then.
How was everyone's 4th? I have some pretty interesting pictures of David baking my birthday cake that I'll be posting on my blog sometime in the next few days.


E. Michelle said...

take it easy, you know, until you feel better. follow the advice you would give anyone else!

aola said...

Well, that bites! So sorry you feel bad.

Hope you are feeling better soon.

Kristen said...

Feel better soon, Sandra!

Sandra said...

Thanks ladies! I think it's alergies. Hopefully some allergy medication and rest will do the trick!