Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Really good article

I've been thinking about body image a lot lately, especially in light of being around my four pregnant friends and their "I feel huge!" feelings (did some maternity clothing shopping with them recently) and my concern for not passing on my own body image issues to my future kids.

I thought you all would appreciate this article. The website is good, too. I might write more about it all later, if I can figure out what I'm feeling/thinking.

In other news, it's been too damn hot to exercise. I got in a half an hour walk on Sunday morning, but couldn't handle it after a while. Did some weights last night, and will probably do more tonight and ride on the exercise bike in our air-conditioned house. I don't envy those of you in 100 degree weather.


aola said...

boy, do I hear you! I get to thinking how much I would love to go walk.. then I go outside and change my mind in a hurry.

It's 102 here right now.

Kristen said...

It cooled down a lot today. It's 67 right now at about 12:40 p.m. Yesterday, it was about 87 at this time and topped out at 97. Yuck.

Sandra said...

Yeah, it's to hot here to even think about working out. I break a sweat if the thought just enters my mind.

aola said...

"yet the age-old demon of body image still rears its ugly, media-driven head."

that was a good article. I do what I do to try to stay healthy but I still can't help but think about how I would like to look and I can't seem to not become depressed about never getting there.

You know, it makes me really disgusted with myself that getting on the scales effects my mood. I feel better about myself if the scale reads lower, I get depressed and angry if the scale reads higher... all the while knowing how very stupid that is.

Sandra said...

I feel ya A! It's sad, but seems so much a part of me that I can't shake it.

Sandra said...

So yesterday I was trying on clothes (for my new job) and I thought to myself "I'll be happy if this size fits me." Why shouldn't I be happy anyway? Why does the size of a pair of pants control my mood?

aola said...

Sandy.. boy do I hear you! But, I think I've gotten better since we started this blog. I have actually been buying myself some new clothes along this summer (in the right size)and feeling very good about the way they fit and look.

No more squeezing into sizes that are too small!!

Sandra said...

I watch "What Not To Wear" and they are always telling people to dress the body you have rather than the body you want to have. They say that if you buy clothes that fit you right you'll fell better about yourself and be more likely to make possitive changes.

Kristen said...

I like What Not to Wear, too. I try to remind myself that size doesn't matter. I'm pretty sure I will always be hovering around the eight to ten to twelve range anyway (you know how frustrating sizing can be--it's not uniform at all). On my fashion website, I tell people to rip the tags out if it bothers them that much.

Sandra said...

Your fashion website?