Monday, August 07, 2006

Happy Monday!!! I feel like I did such a good job with my workouts last week that I'm ready to tackle the issue of eating once again. Plus, I have felt so icky with my eating habits and schedule thrown out of wack. I think it will be much easier to start this week because I don't have a job and Erin will be out of town. I've asked David if he would like to try the healthy eating plan with me and I'm pretty sure there was a muffled yes underneath the long sigh he let out. :) It'll be good for him. He really needs to do some cardio too. His hearbeat is really fast even when he's just sitting on the couch! That's probably a lot more than he wants me to proclaim here in blogerdom, but oh well. He never reads this anyway.
Here's to a new week and a new start!


Kristen said...

Very cool, Sandra! I brought some weights home last night so I'll be hitting the weights and running more soon. :)

aola said...

Good Job!!
I did pretty good last week with my work outs. The eating was ok but I sure don't feel like I'm getting anywhere.

Sandra said...

Yeah well I'm not sure I'm getting anywhere either, but I'm at least paddeling like crazy! :)