Monday, August 28, 2006

The Running and Such

I did get out everyday last week, but I don't think it qualifies as quality running time. This week I've set up a little more of a schedule, so hopefully I won't have to scramble around as much.
Saturday, Sunday, long runs on a flat surface
Monday, Wednesday, Friday, walk/pilates/weights (I'd like to do all three, but two per day is probably more realistic)
Tuesday, Thursday, run probably hills because that's my only choice close to the house

I really shouldn't be running hills yet, but I have to drive to get to a flat surface, and that's too much hassle to do all the time. I like running because I can walk outside my door and do it.

I desperately need to work on the weights and pilates this week.

Good luck, ladies.


Kristen said...

I've been having trouble posting/accessing Blogger and comments, but I just wanted to say, you are doing awesome, Becky! I'll bet it feels good to be 'back in the saddle' again.

aola said...

I have started to comment several times but kept thinking I should probably keep my mouth shut because you know what your body can handle but it does seem pretty early for you to be doing this much. It's just barely been 6 weeks.
But, you know me, it's hard to keep this big ol' mouth shut.

Take care of yourself and don't push too hard!!

R said...

Thanks A. I'm a pretty sucky pregnant lady, but I think I recover from birth pretty well. My peasant origins are finally kicking in.

Sandra said...

Sounds like you are doing great Becky! I no nothing about being pregnant or recovering from a pregnancy so I'll trust your judgement.