Thursday, August 27, 2009

about an hour before dark when the temperature had dropped a little I changed my shoes and got ready to go for my walk which would make two days in a row - yeah, me. I walked out the door and it was beginning to rain. "Ah, to hell with it, I'm going walking anyway."

and I did.

I am going to try to get to the doctor next week and have him change my BP meds. The one I take has a diuretic in it and he seems to think it may be a part of the reason for the cough that still hasn't gone away. I haven't been taking it this week at all and I'm wondering if that is why I feel so bloated today?

Off to Tulsa tomorrow, I will get my walking in at the mall :)

love you lots


Sandra said...

Good job A! I wish I could be so dedicated. For some reason I just can't find it in myself. I've got to find it though. I will find it.

aola said...

Sandy, I don't have nearly as much on my plate as you do. I have the time, plenty of time, not a whole lot of will power but I'm doing better.

Kristen said...

Yay for mall walking! :)

E. Michelle said...

i'm impressed. which mall?

aola said...

woodland hills, of course :)
have you been to Tulsa since they got the new shopping plaza finished out on Hwy 75 & 71st street? lots of good stores