Tuesday, August 08, 2006

My butt is gonna be sore tomorrow

Today I worked out with weights in my own garage for the first time. It was awesome. (My weights were over at my parents' house before.) I can't believe what a time saver it is to workout in the mornings at home instead of driving somewhere else.

Afterward, I went for a walk and prayed. I love to walk and run and pray. It's a great way to start the day.

I really need to get the eating under control. I've been thinking about lowering my carb intake--I always feel better when I eat less processed food with little added sugar. But I keep reading that refined carbs (bagels, cereal, etc.) are good for runners...not sure what I think about that. Any thoughts?


Sandra said...

I agree with you on the processed foods and sugar. I feel so much better when I'm eating very little of those. I think whole grain/wheat bagels and carbs won't kill ya and would be great especially before a run. It's so hard to generalize though. One thing this journey is teacing me is that there is no magic key taht fits everyone. You have to find what works for you and do it. Everyone is so different and all bodies need different things. You and I could do the same exact thing and get very different results.

R said...

Gosh, I want to run again. Slowly but surely I'll get there. I think it depends on how much you're running. If I'm logging less than fifteen miles a week, I can skip the breads. More mileage, more carbs.

We've been eating couscous, tabouleh, and oatmeal around here and loving it. They are both quick to make and easy to spice up.