Sunday, August 09, 2009

Here are a couple of links to healthy drive through choices. It may not be the best, but at least you know you can chose healthfully while at the drive though.

Luckily I'm nowhere near a drive through so it's a little easier to make meals. What I used to do when I was eating on a different meal plan than David and Erin was make a batch of grilled chicken on Sunday that would last through the week. I'd slice it up and throw it in a salad. I kept those bags of tossed salad in the fridge along with my favorite salad dressing. It was great especially in the summer! I just threw it together and ate.

I'm wondering what your thoughts are on food choices. I know it's good to have a wide variety, but it seems that if I have more than a few options I just end up eating a little of everything! When I lost weight/got healthier in the past I had the same thing for breakfast and lunch and then had a handful of things I switched around for snacks and dinner was almost always a grilled chicken or fish, veggies, and a baked sweet potato. Is that enough variety? As long as I'm taking my vitamins should that be okay?


Jen said...

Thanks for the links! I'll take a look at them! Unfortunaely, I live near most of the major fast food places and the one school that I work at requires me to drive through the heart of that section of town.
I feel like this blog could really help out with support for this journey! Thanks, ladies, for posting all this information!

Kristen said...

I think for the most part it's okay. Maybe rotate fruits and veggies when you can so you can get more vitamins... I think most people in the world eat almost the same thing every day!