Monday, April 10, 2006

Doin' some reading...

on self-discipline. I used to consider myself pretty disciplined back when I was in school, but not so much any more.

I realized today that sometimes I eat junky food or sleep in because it's my way of "getting what I want" at that very moment, when so much of what I want is beyond my control right now (not having a baby, job-related issues, etc.). I'm only hurting myself when I do stuff like that. The instant self-gratification makes me feel good in the moment, but not later.

Some other thoughts I read:

-"All the perseverance you need is already inside you, waiting to be exercised."

-"If you set goals, you first must decide what to sacrifice to get them." (H.L. Hunt) For me, that would be chocolate chip cookie dough blizzards--a whopping 730 calories for a small one.

-The more you exercise self-discipline, the stronger your self-discipline becomes.

I also did an exercise where I wrote out my excuses for sleeping in and eating poorly. They ended up looking pretty lame on paper. Hopefully I can remember this when I am tempted again.

Mucho love-o, girls!


Sandra said...

I think I could use one of those lists too. I think my excuses are pretty lame-o as well. I really want a better body. I'm going to commit to making the sacravices that need to be made. No more mint ice cream cones!

aola said...

22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control;