Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Oh, my, gosh.

I recently went from a 10 pound weight to 15 pounds for doing my curls, over-the-head lifts (upper body work outs). Seth is using the same amount of weight that I do. Last night I did 7 reps of 10 or 70 lifts each arm with 15 pounds. I was tired but not hurting by any means. So, tonight Seth and I decided it was time to go to a 20 pound weight.

Big, big difference (which kind of surprised me). We both just barely got thru 1 rep of 10. Barely.

Now when I can do that 70 times... LOOK OUT!!

and BTW, the 5 pounds was just water, I started the next day. I am right back to where I have been for the last 2 months.
I'm still eating around 1600 calories a day. I am walking twice a day now. I haven't done my yoga but once this week because of the cramping.

I still think that the increased activity of summer will help.
I may remain fat but I'm sure gonna be strong :)


Sandra said...

Who is Super Woman now? AOLA!!!!!!!

McMom said...

Way to go girl!!! It will get addicting when you keep getting stronger!! I curl 35 lb weights for 8-12 reps.

Kristen said...

I agree with Cheri--it can get really addicting and fun!

(I just knew you couldn't have actually gained that weight...)

aola said...

Mcmom... you are my hero!
Is your hubbie training you for special forces, or what??

by the way is it Cheri as in cherry or sherry?

McMom said...

My hubby is not really helping me with it anymore, but taught me what to do. He has been lifting weights since he was 11 yrs. old. and is buff! He is not a true body builer, no supplements, it is all natural. He was a champ wrestler in H.S. and wants to always be able to "crush the enemy" if needed. Anyway he spent 2 hrs. at the gym each day while we were dating. He got me hooked on the gym and I got to spend that time with him. I was distracted alot though watching him!

It is Cheri as in Sherry. It is the French masculine spelling (they didn't know that) . Cherie is the feminine spelling. My grandmother named me.