Thursday, April 06, 2006

I ended up the day yesterday fairly well. I consumed a whopping 1695 calories (65 short of my goal) with 211 grams of carbs, 95 grams of protein, and 55 grams of fat. I had no idea I was skimping on the protein. Perhaps that is why I'm always craving protein?
When the craving for sweets hit me, I had a mini dark chocolate Hershey bar. It completely killed the craving.
Today is off to a good start. I had scrambled eggs with my oatmeal to try and squeeze in some more protein. I've got to go to Trader Joe's to get some all natural peanut butter at some point. It won't be today though. The sun has made an appearance and I plan on taking full advantage of it. Let's hope the clouds don't over take it before I get off of work.


E. Michelle said...

Your diet sounds the right mix of good for you and tasty, from your post. good job-

Kristen said...

I'm afraid I would eat an entire sack of Hershey's dark chocolate if I had one around here...

(BTW, in case you didn't know, you can get natty pb at pretty much any store, not just a health food store. Just look for one that has only peanuts and maybe salt listed as ingredients. You need to store it in the fridge because it doesn't have preservatives that normal pb has. And if the fat has risen to the top, just mix it in to the pb.)

aola said...

I printed myself a list of "good" proteins and hung it in the kitchen beside my super foods list to remind me to eat more protein.
I have to remind myself, because those really aren't my favorite foods to eat.

Kristen said...

Oh yeah, I could survive off carbs alone! LOL

In fact, the last time I lost about ten pounds (before I knew much about nutrition), I think I had one very small serving of protein each day. Unfortunately, I think I lost mostly muscle, not fat.

aola said...

I was wondering... on the list of "good protein" they don't have nuts listed. Why do you think that would be? the fat content?