Monday, April 24, 2006

How was your weekend?

Mine included lots of walking, quite a few deadlifts and lunges (woo-hoo!), not enough sleeping (I've got a bad cough--which means sleeping in the guest bedroom and sucking on cough drops all night to get some sleep), and a little too much apple pie and strawberry lemonade. We're having some amazing weather. I couldn't lift weights this morning (had to take J to an early morning appointment), but I'm hoping I'll get to run tonight in this sunny, cloudless weather we're having!

Hope you're all peachy! How was your weekend?


aola said...

we had a good weekend. I worked in the yard a lot, mowed, hoed, weeded, worked on the pool... all good exercise, and I walked. No weights or yoga tho. The only "bad" thing I ate was pizza last night and a piece of cappucino chocolate frozen yogurt pie afterwards :)
My jaw is still tender from dentist so I haven't had to worry about over-eating.

Kristen said...

Sounds like you deserved a little extra fat and sweets in your weekend after working so hard. :)

Sandra said...

Way to go on the walking, deadlifts, and lunges! You're amazing! We did a fair amount of walking at a garden we went to. We purchased a weight bench yesterday, and I worked out my routine today. I'm ready to get started! I did some bench presses yesterday and I'm a little sore. How often do you do HIIT?

Kristen said...

Nowadays I don't do it much. I'm enjoying being outside too much. (I could do it outside, but it's easier to do on a track, where you don't look so crazy sprinting and then walking, and lately, I'm just enjoying other stuff more.) Since it's so strenuous, I'd probably only do it once or twice each week. Add in another cardio workout along with some weights, and you're good to go.