Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Ok, so just how much exercise do I have to do to see a difference????

I'm working out at least 3 times a week usually more. I have increased my reps and the weight I am using for bench presses. I've kept my leg work out at 25 lbs hoping not to hurt my knees. I'm still doing yoga, usually two mornings a week but I just see no difference what-so-ever. My arms still jiggle as do the inside of my thighs.

I'm not giving up but it would be nice to see some results. Mark is going to go pick up my new recumbent (?) bike next time he is in Ada with the truck. It will replace my walking, at least until fall.

But, you know, I guess I do just feel better about myself for trying and not quitting. I've been buying some new clothes and not beating myself up because I still wear the same size. I find myself caring more about the way I look and to be honest I think I look pretty good in them.

I put on my new tankini and swam with Em the other day.


Jeanne said...

Good Girl!!! I'm proud of you for conquering the swimsuit beast.
I'm also proud of you for not giving up. It took a long time to get in the shape we're in, so it'll take a long time to get out, I think. Keep on going. I'm curious about the bike. It seems like it would be better for knees since they won't be supporting weight, only moving the pedals. I'm no expert, tho'. Let me know how you like it & how it feels on your back, too.

Sandra said...

Way to go A! I feel ya on the results part. We just have to keep on keeping on. We will see results. As that article said, our bodies are doing milions of things that we don't even have to think about. They deserve a lot of recognition for that. So what if they don't look like the cover on the latest swimsuit magazine. We are strong beautiful women!

aola said...

Sandy, I got tickled at my myself the other day.. I was thinking "the beautiful women" are flat... flat chested, flat tummy, just flat.. but I am nice and round.. really round and I thought about what Peace Bang and Anne Lamott say about themselves.. we look like stacked meatballs.

big smile!

here's to being round and soft

Kristen said...

I'm proud of you also, Aola. I'm dreading wearing a swimsuit in July, but I went back and exchanged the tankini for the bikini. My abs are one part I am proud of--might as well show them off, judgmental Christian girls or not. :) It helps me to focus on what does look good (for you--your arms and legs, right?) and remember that consistency brings results. Like Sandy says, focus on what is good and the good things you did, not just the "failures." I've heard the changes are more gradual the older you get, so remember that, but don't let it get you discouraged. You can do this.

aola said...

Well, hell, then, by the time I'm 65 I oughta be looking good, huh??

love you girls!!

Sandra said...
