Tuesday, June 06, 2006

So, what have you been doing to keep yourself fit?

I have pretty much quit walking, the weather has been too warm to enjoy walking even right before dark but the worst part is the bugs.. the mosquitoes are just horrible here this year and you can't go out on the walking trail without being attacked by horseflies. It has become just not worth it.

I've gotten used to the weight bench, actually enjoy working out on it so I'm doing that about 3 times a week. I added something new to my leg workout last week.. laying on my tummy lifting that way...burn, baby, burn. I don't know what that's called but it is killer. Then I do leg extensions the other way. I increased my weight this week by 5 pounds for bench presses. I'm lifting more very slowly. I do heavier weights and curls a couple of times a week in addition to this work out routine. I do preacher curls on the bench, doing reps of 3 x 10 of each thing, legs and arms.

My eating hasn't been totally clean but still good. I don't beat myself up for having a bowl of vanilla bean ice cream once in a while but I'm eating lots of fresh veggies. I have eaten fresh squash out of my garden several times and the produce at the market is getting good.

My weight is right where it has been for the last 3 months but it doesn't really bother me like it did for a while. I just don't want it to go up again.

Sometimes I feel good about myself and what I'm doing to stay healthy sometimes I don't. Sometimes I feel like a body builder and other times I think about what Sandy said recently... you would look at me and think I've never seen the inside of a gym.

I'm having the blue dress I bought shortened to show off a little of that nice toned and tanned calf and I bought two pair of new shoes because I couldn't decide whether I wanted to go dressier or more casual. Now I have the option.

I don't feel like I have given up but rather like it has become my lifestyle which was our goal to begin with. I would still like to lose about 35 pounds but without big changes I don't see that happening anytime soon.

It took me 20 years to get here, hopefully I have 20 more years to work at getting rid of it.


Kristen said...

Yeah, I've been walking a lot and running periodically. I do some at home (lighter) weights--squats, deadlifts, lunges, bench press, military press, and rows. Good stuff. Like you said, my eating isn't perfect, but it's summer and it's hard to not heed the call of the ice cream man sometimes...

Sandra said...

Good for you A! Keep up on the weight training. I don't blame you for not walking. The weather in Oklahoma doens't condone it.