Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Here's a link that works. :)

Updated Menu


Kristen said...

The Oxygen gals are getting the 3,000 number from 15 X bodyweight...that's a typical maintenance number. (12-14 X BW is a typical dieting number--and that's right where you are right now at 2500.)

Most of them believe you must eat completely "clean" to see the maximum benefit--it's probably not exactly true (especially when you're not extremely lean already and trying to get down to the teens in body fat percentage) but it can help. (Eating clean is supposed to cut down on cravings and binging, too.) Don't let the whole thing get you down. Only you can decide what is worth the sacrifice--do you know what I mean? If life just isn't right without a little chocolate once in a while, well...there you go. I mean, if it was a matter of health, it would be one thing, but losing weight a little faster...that's up to you.

I've been frustrated the past few days, too, but I think I've pinned down why I haven't budged much lately either--it's all about consistency. And I haven't been consistent in quite a long time. Are there any issues you think are holding you back?

One more thing: your diet looks a lot better with the protein added. Protein is your friend! (It will help you preserve lean body mass while you're losing fat, among other benefits.)

Sandra said...

The only think I can thing of is that on the weekends I tend to eat much less because I get busy and don't pay attention to what I'm eating. I'm not giving up and I think I'll sacrafice everything but the coffee. :)
Thanks Kristen.