Thursday, March 02, 2006

Let's play 100 questions....

I'm not hungry. I'm not hungry. I'm not hungry. Maybe if I keep repeating it, I won't eat like a starved crazy person. :)
I only worked out for ten minutes yesterday. I felt really guilty about it, but I'm over it now. It's a new day, and I'll workout today.
I've noticed that if I don't have my short not fat no whip mocha, I eat more. I'm sure it's the caffine in them that keeps my appetite a suppresed, and that's okay with me. They are only 110 calories.
Hey Kristen, weren't you asking about Faxseed Oil? I found this article and that you might like to give it a read.
Anybody have any suggestions for when I should change the amount of weight I'm doing in my strength training routine? Is it better to have more weight or more reps? Also, I know I need to skip days between stregth training, but what if I do two strength training sessions a day? Let me explain. I am currently doing TBL strength workouts which use dumbells for arm workouts and some but and thigh stuff. It focuses a lot on the biceps and triceps. Is it okay to add a Curves workout on the same day I do TBL stuff as long as I still have a day in between so that I get a more overall workout?
And one final question that has been bugging me. What is a better factor in calories burned..the activity or your heart rate? For example at Spark People it says that doing a circut program for 30 minutes I would burn 334 calories or something like that. However, it I put in 30 minutes doing Curves circut it drops to 204. But, if I am keeping my heart rate at 80% couldn't it be more than that? Where do they come up with these numbers? Is there a way to calculate it myself? have I asked too many questions?
Thanks ladies!


Kristen said...

Hey Sandra, to answer a few of your questions/comments:

Yeah, you're probably right; the caffeine in your mocha does suppress your appetite. I've heard green tea is also good for that and includes antioxidents and zero calories, if you ever want to try that. Just make sure you're getting enough cals!

Thanks for the article on flaxseed supplements! Good stuff!

As far as weight lifting goes, there's this myth out there that says that you do more reps for fat-burning, but that's just simply not true. High reps will increase your muscle endurance, but not your muscles themselves usually. If you're going to lift weights, lift to grow (or tone) your muscles--which will in turn cause you to burn more calories every single day, even at rest. Don't worry about being bulky. It's virtually impossible for women to get bulky muscles--and to do so, they have to have perfect nutrition with tons of protein AND steroids. (Usually it's just the fat over the muscles that make women think they are getting big.)

It's a good idea to pick a set and rep range first and then pick a weight that will fatigue you by the end of a set. You can vary this rep range throughout your week. Say you lift three times a week; Monday can be your heavy day, Wednesday your medium day, Friday your light day. So on Monday, your rep range could be 4 x 6; Wednesday, 3 X 8-10; and Friday 2 X 12-15. Make sense?

I'd think you could do two weight sessions in a day, but I'd be careful about getting too fatigued and getting proper rest. Don't make both workouts a 10; make one significantly lighter than the other if you can so you don't overload yourself.

I'm not sure about the relation of heart rate to calorie burn, but one tool I like to use is It allows you to put in your weight, and its activity calculator has TONS of activities on it with varying degrees of exertion. For example, under biking it has:

Bicycling - general
Bicycling - under 10 mph (leisure)
Bicycling - 10-11.9 mph (light)
Bicycling - 12-13.9 mph (moderate)
Bicycling - 14-15.9 mph (vigorous)
Bicycling - 16-19 mph (very vigorous)
Bicycling - over 20 mph (racing)
Bicycling - BMX or mountain
Bicycling - unicycle
Bicycling - stationary, general
Bicycling - stationary, very light
Bicycling - stationary, light
Bicycling - stationary, moderate
Bicycling - stationary, vigorous
Bicycling - stationary, very vigorous

Isn't that cool? Let me know what you think of it if you check it out.

aola said...

I read an interesting article on "arm flab" yesterday (which you girls don't have to worry about yet) but it said that lifting weights won't get rid of it you have to burn the fat off with aerobic/carido type exercise to get rid of it. I guess that makes sense.

Kristen said...

Very true. Eating right (and at a calorie deficit) and cardio will burn that fat off the arms, but you really can't "spot train" by doing extra bicep curls. Gaining the extra muscle helps make your body more shapely, and the extra muscle will burn more calories eventually--and of course, the actual activity of weight lifting will burn calories, too.

Sandra said...

Thanks Kristen! I looked at and it looks great. I've used something similar at Spark People. I get different amounts at each place. LOL
Your ideas for lifting sound great! Right now I am doing TBL which does something similar to circut training where I do each exercise for 1 minute. The dumbells I bought came with a cd, and I'm going to try that out.
I will deffinantly make sure I'm not working out too much. I just feel like I need to do more. One of my sessions will be much lighter than the other. I'm using the Curves workout as more of a cardio session but still pushing so I am working the muscles too.
A, women at the club are always asking me about the arm flab (just for the record I do have some). They are always frustrated when I tell them that no exercise in the word will get rid of it. Also, you can judge that part of the arm by holding it up like you are going to wave. When you're arm is in that position, the muscle is at rest and it does appear more flabby.
One of the ladies at the club likes to call them her wings. LOL