Wednesday, March 15, 2006


A source of:

Vit B-6
Vit C

Pomegranate juice my have 2 - 3 X the anti-oxidant power of equal amounts of green tea or red wine.
As little as 1/4 cup per day(of juice) may improve cardiovascular health, reduce LDL cholesterol.
possesses potent anti-inflammatory phytochemicals (helps arthritis) and has been shown to lower blood pressure.

I have never eaten a pomegranate. Guess I ought to try it.


Sandra said...

I love pomegranates! They can be either fun or annoying to eat depending on my mood, but I love the taste and the juice is yum!

Kristen said...

Ah, good to know! Thank you!

McMom said...

I love them too! They are a bit messy to eat though!