Friday, March 03, 2006

What Kind of Eater Are You?

This came to me in one of my daily Denise Austin e-mails. Thought I'd share it with y'all. I don't think it's "all-inclusive" obviously, but it is good advice. (I'm more of a rebel eater myself.)

Part of overcoming your struggle with weight is understanding how it began. Need some help getting started? See if you can recognize your overeating type. Keep in mind that you may be a combination of these:

The Indulger: For indulgers, eating is used to nurture and reward. While you should be good to yourself, that doesn't have to come with calories attached. Think of some nonfood rewards instead. How about a bubble bath, pedicure, or some new flowers from your garden, for example?

The Critic: Critics are always telling themselves that they're never going to be good enough — so why bother? "You can't, you won't, you aren't…" And on and on it goes. Remember, being fit isn't about being perfect. It's about doing your best and getting back on track when you derail.

The Rebel: Rebels eat "bad" foods to feel good. But remember, unhealthy eating doesn't "get back" at anyone. In fact, the only one you're hurting is yourself. So dye your hair, listen to alternative music, or wear red when everyone else is wearing gray, but skip the chocolate cake!

The Victim: The voice inside the victim's head says, "You just can't stop yourself. You're helpless." You eat and eat, then tell yourself it wasn't your fault. There's always an excuse. But the reality is, the only one who can control your eating is you. So stop feeling powerless and start taking charge!


aola said...

uh... all of the above, that and the fact that I just simply love food. I love to cook and eat. I love to go out. I love looking at new recipes, reading books on nutrition...

the change for me has been portions. I always ate healthy, just too much of a good thing.

PC - portion control!!!!!!!

Sandra said...

I'm a combination of the indulger, and critic.
It really helps to listen to myself when I eat. I try to see what my internal voice is saying when I want food.

Jeanne said...

What if you're all four? Aola, portion control is IT!